09 March 2009

Reader, I (Gay) Married Him

D: Ok ok ok we're lame
D: We were trying to wrap this up
D: But the thing that was stopping us stopped us again
D: Our terrible secret
G: It's not exactly... I wouldn't call it... anyway
D: So you remember ages ago? Good
D: Well I sorta maybe went to London
G: Only after I came over to see you first
D: And we kinda, you know, "did it"
D: With each other
D: Nakedly
G: A lot
D: And that was all good and fine and junk except for the blog
D: Because it was weird talking about other boys and their hotness
G: When we'd sort of found something... good
D: Yes
G: Good... and long distance
D: Yes
D: But that is changing soon
G: Visas pending
D: And this blog, this beautiful blog, she is done
G: We'd like to thank everyone for reading over the years
D: Thanks for all your emails, even the ones I was too lame ass to reply to
G: And yeah, that's it I think
D: Wow, it really is

19 January 2009


G: Yes, so Damien was writing a screenplay
G: And, ah
G: Well, he was very busy
G: And then Nick said
G: Well what I thought he said was
D: OK, ok, ok
D: Save it for the inauguration, Favreau

D: Ahem
D: So I was writing the Pretty Boys Movie Script…
D: (Starring Robert Pattinson and Chris Evans)…

13 January 2009


D: Who starts?
G: It was your idea
D: We could flip for it?
G: I'll do it, I don't care
D: You don't care?
G: I don't mind I mean
D: Fine
G: Good

D: Christmas is coming
G: Ugh